The Team
President - Nancy Harwood Law Corporation / Harwood Safety Group

Nancy brings unique insights into her work with clients, having spent over two decades in the practice of OHS law, including as a prevention director at WorkSafeBC. She works with clients to achieve excellence in health and safety. Her services include: providing legal advice, training on topics including the role of prime contractor, assisting on incident investigations, acting on reviews of orders and penalties, and collaborating on special projects.
Throughout her career, Nancy has been committed to workplace health and safety, serving on numerous OHS federal, provincial and international boards and committees.
Safety Consultant - Jeffery Lyth

Jeff is a leader in the "Safety Differently" movement, including as managing editor of safetydifferently.com. He works with clients around the globe on safety differently initiatives.
The Harwood Safety Group teams with Jeff on workplace assessments, prime contractor services and supervisor training.
Occupational Hygiene & Safety Consultant - Stephen Tye

Steve has a wealth of experience and knowledge in occupational hygiene. After some 30 years as a hygiene officer with WorkSafeBC, Steve now contributes his considerable talents as a consultant to the Harwood Safety Group, providing training, exposure control planning and other hygiene and environmental services.
We are especially pleased to offer Steve's services to assist employers with developing and implementing plans and procedures to help ensure worker health and safety in dealing with the COVID-19..
Instructional Design Consultant - Allison Dewhurst

Alison brings to the Harwood Safety Group years of experience in the field of educational design in both the corporate and public service sectors.
As a skilled instructional designer, Alison develops training offerings using the latest design and delivery methodologies specific to adult learners. Working closely with our clients, she identifies and addresses training opportunities for better health and safety outcomes in the workplace. The resulting courses are customized for the needs of our clients, and like Alison, are always dynamic and engaging.
Safety Consultant - Travis Robertson

Travis has over a decade of health and safety experience, with a particular focus on the construction industry. His experience includes safety oversight of transportation and infrastructure projects in Vancouver.
Travis is a COR auditor in construction. He also brings to the Harwood Safety Group a strong background in safety education in which he is acknowledged for his energy and enthusiasm as an instructor.
Claims and injury Management Consultant - Cheryl Nomura

Cheryl consults as an injury and claims management specialist. With over 30 years experience at WorkSafeBC, she brings to the Harwood Safety Group team a results-driven approach and proven track record with clients in a range of industries.
By navigating challenging claims, and implementing effective injury management programs, she assists employers with improving injury and claims rates and the duration of claims.
Administrator - Vanessa Lyth

Vanessa's skills and dedication to customer service are key to the Harwood Safety Group providing our clients with the highest level of professional services, designed to meet and exceed their needs.
Vanessa provides project support for clients as well as accounting and HR support to the team.